Renowned by cigar connoisseurs worldwide as the finest maker of tabletop humidors, Elie Bleu's creations are both a collector's item and the perfect sanctuary for your prized cigars. Handcrafted with exceptional precision, each humidor exemplifies a seamless blend of exquisite design and master craftsmanship, offering the ultimate in cigar preservation and elegance.
Introducing the Elie Bleu Route 66 Dawn Limited Edition Humidor designed for those with a passion for road trips and adventure. Inspired by the allure of Route 66, this humidor invites you to imagine the thrill of a cross-country journey, riding a powerful motorcycle along the legendary highway. Leave your cares behind and set out on the endless "boulevard of tarmac."
This limited-edition piece is meticulously crafted from sycamore, red gum, pear tree, washed oak, and lemon tree woods, offering a unique and beautiful homage to the spirit of the open road.