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Sovereign Grade Heel Replacement

SKU KAHP-Recraft-Heel
Regular price
Regular price

Unfortunately, this service is temporarily unavailable but we hope to be bringing it back soon. Thank you for your understanding!

If you find yourself in need of some heel TLC, we at have you covered. With this service, you have the option of replacing the top lift of the heel or the full heel block. Top lifts will feature JR Rendenbach combination heels.

While it might seem cheaper to keep wearing your shoes "just a little longer" before getting the heels replaced, let the buyer beware! Wearing down the heel too much can be a costly mistake. It is actually a much more cost-effective solution to get your shoe heels replaced sooner rather than later. Don't wait until it's "too late"!

  • JR Rendenbach Combination Heels
  • Optional Full Saphir MDO Shoe Shine and Polish
  • New Sovereign Grade Shoe Laces

    Shoe Repair and Recrafting

    Our certified Kirby Allison Shoe Restoration Services have been developed by Kirby to ensure that your shoes are resoled to like-new condition! Drawing on his extensive experience with the world's finest shoemakers, Kirby has designed this program in partnership with an award-winning local cobbler.

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    Based in Dallas, Texas

    Although Kirby Allison travels the world to source product and film videos, we are based here in Dallas, Texas. Our warehouse is open to the public. Feel free to stop by anytime to pick up an order, chat with Kirby Allison, or ask any shoe care questions.